Clean and Care Tips for Indoor Window Shutters


Properly caring for your indoor window shutters is essential to maintaining their beauty and extending their long life. Regular care and cleaning can prevent material degradation and improve indoor air quality by reducing the amount of dust present in your home’s interior.

Wooden indoor window shutters require particularly careful attention. Protect the investment you’ve made in your wooden window treatments by using the following care tips:

  • Dust and clean your shutters. Use a duster or a clean, dry cloth to remove everyday buildup from your window treatments. Your vacuum cleaner should also have a soft-brush attachment that will help you eliminate dust from hard-to-reach areas.
  • Eliminate exposure to moisture. Always close your windows when it rains to avoid any water splashing in from the outdoors.
  • Always follow manufacturer usage guidelines. Never open or close your shutters using any other mechanism than the controls which were installed by the manufacturer. Clean your shutters when they are in the open position, so you can access both sides easily.
  • Be careful about your choice of cleanser. Never use an abrasive chemical on your shutters. Instead, choose gentle cleaning products when necessary.

Following this advice will help you get a lifetime of enjoyment from your wooden indoor window shutters.

The Back Bay Shutter Company is a leading provider of quality finished wood shutters for homeowners who demand the very best.  For further information on our products or services, please don’t hesitate to contact us or request a quote for shutters.